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A beautiful flower tree

I could take bigger size photo of this flower tree, but unfortunately my mobile device doesn't have optical lens. It can make a photo larger using digital zoom feature which creates lower quality photo than the image captured using optical lens. I took this photo just two days ago. Actually I was trying to capture trees that had fallen due to AMPHAN cyclone that occurred on 20th May. I don't know how this flower tree survived in this severe cyclone while several large trees were fallen in it

I have already shared the pictures of trees that were destroyed in the storm. But I left to post the image of this flower tree which I took on the same day. After seeing this tree, I did not feel that it would have faced a dangerous cyclonic storm like 'AMPHAN'. I felt that it was smiling even after it faced a dangerous storm.

The above photo is taken by Nokia 5

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A beautiful flower tree was published on and last updated on 27 May 2020.