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A ‘comet interceptor’ will now help scientists uncover space mysteries

Are you puzzled to hear about ‘comet interceptor’ probe? There is nothing to be puzzled. A ‘comet interceptor’ probe will be developed by the European Space Agency within the next eight years to collect the info of new comets when it will enter our solar system. 

The probe will be made using three spacecrafts. One of them will work as main unit while others are smaller units and all of them will be separated from each other weeks before they move towards the comet to collect its data. The data will include several info such as the structure of nucleus, dust, gas and plasma environment. The info will help scientists know the birth of comets.

Previously, European Space Agency tested several comets that are visible in our solar system, but the ‘comet interceptor’ could be able to study an object that exists outside our solar system such as Oort’s cloud.

The researchers who will work on the project have been selected from the UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory and the University of Edinburgh. 

According to ESA, the ‘comet interceptor’ will be more powerful than the current system which will detect comets a few months before they reach nearest the sun. 


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A ‘comet interceptor’ will now help scientists uncover space mysteries was published on and last updated on 21 Jun 2019.