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A mysterious rock on Mars formed by explosives volcanic eruptions

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It will be a great victory for human beings when they will land on Mars. I hope they will success to achieve this target as several researches are being done to understand Mars’s atmosphere and its surface.

Recently scientists found a formation of mysterious rock on Mars for which explosive volcanic eruptions are supposed to be responsible because it would have released and deposited huge debris there.   

The discovery may help scientists know the interior sections of Mars and its habitability that is supposed to be exist in past. You can find the discovery published in the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Huge deposits of soft rock formed the Medusae Fossae near Mars’s equator.

First time the existence of the Medusae Fossae was found by NASA’s Mariner spacecraft in 1960, but scientists couldn’t find how it formed. 

According to researchers’ calculation, more than 3 billion years ago, the Medusae Fossae came in existence during explosive volcanic eruptions. 

"This is a massive deposit, not only on a Martian scale, but also in terms of the solar system, because we do not know of any other deposit that is like this," said Lujendra Ojha, a planetary scientist at Johns Hopkins University in the US.

The volcanic eruptions not only expelled huge amounts of climate-changing gases into atmosphere, but also released enormous water that was adequate to cover Mars surface. 

The volcanic eruptions also expelled greenhouse gases that generally create greenhouse effect in atmosphere by absorbing infrared radiation could have played a vital role in warming Mars’s surface. This hot atmosphere could have helped water to be in liquid form on Mars, but the eruptions also released some volcanic gases that include hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide were toxic enough to change Mars’s atmosphere.  

Due to these processes, Mars would have lost its potential for habitability, according to Ojha.

The formation of Medusae Fossae includes hills and ridges of sedimentary rock which is made of rock dust and debris. However scientists were aware of the existence of the Medusae Fossae for several years, but were unable to understand how it formed.

Recently, a study revealed that the rock present in the Medusae fossae is so porus which would have been accumulated during the volcanic eruptions. 

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A mysterious rock on Mars formed by explosives volcanic eruptions was published on and last updated on 19 Jun 2018.