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A new surveillance camera developed by Fujifilm enables you read license plates from 1km away

Now traffic police can read vehicles’ licence plates from 1km away using a new surveillance camera developed by Fujifilm. I don’t know why it is named surveillance camera in the article. I think a professional photographer could also use this long-rang camera to capture a distant object. 

The new surveillance camera SX800 features:

  1. 40x optical zoom lens to increase the focal length from 20mm to 800mm. 
  2. A 1.25x digital zoom for a maximum focal length which is 1000mm.
  3. Autofocus in 0.3 seconds which is very fast
  4. Dehaze and fog reduction ability

Please see the following sample of the surveillance camera:

This is awesome. I can see the clear footage of a licence plate. I think this technology will support traffic department to prevent several crimes.

Though Fujifilm hasn’t declared the price of the powerful surveillance camera SX800, it is going to be launched on July 26, 2019.


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A new surveillance camera developed by Fujifilm enables you read license plates from 1km away was published on and last updated on 23 Jul 2019.