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An introduction to Korean War – part-1

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An introduction to Korean War held at 4:00 a.m. on 25th June 1950. It was Sunday when North Korea attacked South Korea by invading the 38th Parallel, considered as the “Line of Demarcation”. They had completely prepared to have a victory on South Korea.

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After hearing this news, the UN Security Council immediately took action against this hostile behavior of North Korea and made a resolution to cease this war. But North Korean government didn’t accept that resolution. On their refusal, a second resolution was passed by the UN Security Council on 27 June in which they advocated this matter to the UN members:

...furnish such assistance to the Republic of Korea [South Korea] as may be necessary to repel the armed attack and restore the international peace and security in the area.

The UN Security Council was trying to stop this war immediately; on the other hand North Korean army was not sitting quietly. They were moving towards the capital of South Korea, Seoul, to take over it. 

It wasn’t easy to check this invasion and so it had become a big task for America and their allies. If they would fell to stop this war, a wrong message would have been spread throughout the world and the confidence of post-WWII could have been damaged. The countries depending on America for their protection would have lost their confidence and would have become insecure.  

To be continued.......


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An introduction to Korean War – part-1 was published on and last updated on 10 Apr 2018.