This is the final drawing of Ant-Man. Ant-Man is an action movie produced by Marvel Studios. The movie was released in 2015, but I watched it four days ago. The movie shows Ant-Man shrinking technology. I don't think such technology exists in this world. However the movie was entertaining. I liked the story of this movie because It reminds me of Hanuman. Hanuman, the son of Vayu, was a famous character of Ramayana which is a holy book of the Hindus.
I took the image from here
I made this drawing using the pencil. Here goes the steps:
Those who believe in Hindu religion know very well about Ramayana. According to the holy book Ramayana, Hanuman was able to shrink his body easily. Not only that, he was able to fly in the air. Hanuman was a great devotee of Ramchandra Ji, a hindu god. I don’t know what technology Hanuman used to shrink his body.
Final Image of Ant-Man
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