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Badminton - my favourite game

Although we play many types of games in childhood, but we like playing only a few of them. I have played many types of sports in my childhood that include cricket, football, badminton, and kabaddi. Cricket was my favorite sport. Then badminton. Sometimes I used to play football and kabaddi too. We often used to play badminton during the night in the winter season. Trust me the fun of playing badminton comes only in winter. Especially when you play at night. You don't even know where the cold will disappear. When you start playing you will start to feel very hot and you will gradually take off your warm clothes.

badminton.webp [Source](

This evening my four year old nephew started pushing me a lot to play badminton. I didn't want to play, but to keep his heart I played badminton with him. This caused me to recall my childhood. Not only young boys but older people also used to play badminton. Due to this sport, the body used to get agile even during the winter days.. And the cold was not felt at all.

You also get many health benefits by playing badminton. Whatever be the sport, it is beneficial for your body. By playing badminton, your whole body gets exercised. It also helps your body burn maximum calories. You can burn around 450 calories a hour by playing badminton. Your heart is also strengthened by full body workout.

People are not able to exercise daily due to their busy schedule. Whereas daily workout is very useful for our body. Badminton is a sport that you can play during the day as well as at night. If you do not get a chance to exercise during the day then you can play badminton at night. This will boost your entire body. With daily exercise, your mental health also increases and the heart also becomes strong. It lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. High levels of bad cholesterol can block blood vessels and increase high blood pressure. Daily workout helps in reducing your depression and stress level. Apart from this, you will get many other health benefits from playing badminton. At least you can play this game in the winter season. During the summer I see very few people playing badminton.

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Badminton - my favourite game was published on and last updated on 19 Dec 2021.