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Depicting laser beams reflection between Earth and Moon

This animation depicts the laser beams reflection between Earth and Moon.

According to an article posted on Aug. 10, 2020, several times over the last decade NASA scientists have thrown laser beams at a reflector that is placed on a spacecraft called Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), orbiting the moon since 2009. And first time they recieved the signal back on Earth.

Despite being at 2, 40, 000 miles away from Earth, the reflector successfully sent back the laser beams to Earth. That means borh the reflector and laser beams are very powerful and working perfectly. Fifty years ago, five reflecting pannels were left on the Moon by Apollo 11, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, and Soviet robotic rovers known as Lunokhod 1 and 2. These reflecting pannels are now sending weak signals back to Earth. That’s why, NASA scientists have installed the reflector on LRO to examine the reflecting power of the five reflecting pannels placed by Apollo and Soviet robotic rovers.

The above animation is original and created by me using flipanim

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Depicting laser beams reflection between Earth and Moon was published on and last updated on 17 Aug 2020.