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Do you know about Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera brings several medicinal benefits for us. Do you know these health benefits of aloe vera? I will let you know about it. People have been using it for several years. If you have any skin injuries it can help you cure it. Not only that, it brings several other health benefits for us. Aloe vera leaf contains moisture and there are various companies or industries that use aloe vera such as pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. Aloe vera stem stores a kind of gel which provides several things that have medicinal benefits for human such as antioxidant, amino acid, vitamins and bioactive compounds.

Image credit Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains the following properties:

1) Properties like antibacterial and antioxidants

There are antioxidants called polyphenols found in aloe vera are capable to prevent any kind of bacterial infections in our body. It not only contains polyphenols, but also there are other antioxidants available  which helps in preventing the development of bacterial infections.

2) Medicinal benefits in case of cuts and burns 

Aloe vera gel has medicinal properties which can help heal cuts and burns in your body. Since very old times, people have been using aloe vera gel in case of cuts, burns and sores in their body. It is also capable to heal sunburn. Aloe vera is the first ointment, approved by FDA in 1959, which can be used to treat first and second degree burns.

3. Stops building up dental plaque

Image credit Dental plaque

Everyone knows that people all over the world are suffering from tooth decay and gum diseases. In order to stop tooth decay and gum diseases you can use aloe vera as it is capable to prevent dental plaque and oral infections. Dental plaque is nothing but a bacterial biofilm which build up on the teeth. The aloe vera mouthwash is very powerful and able to kill harmful and dangerous candida albicans, a kind of yeast, and Streptococcus mutans which is known as bacterium.

4. Helps in healing mouth ulcers

Image credit Mouth Ulcers

Everyone experiences mouth ulcers which generally happen inside our mouth or below the lip. It is very painful while eating something. It is found in several researches that aloe vera gel is more effective to heal these types of mouth ulcers. These mouth ulcers are also known as canker sores.

5. Helps in decreasing constipation symptoms 

We know that constipation is very painful and prevents regular bowel movement. Constipation means hard stool which causes pain while passing through anal area and sometimes it leads to piles which is also very painful because it prevents stool movement. In order to remove piles patients need to have surgery. So we can see that constipation can create painful situation if it is untreated. Aloe vera contains a kind of latex which can treat constipation problem. The latex of aloe vera is very sticky and located below the leaf. Due to the presence of aloin and barbaloin it acts like latex.

6. It can reduce wrinkles formation

Image credit Skin Wrinkles

Regular use of topical aloe vera gel can help you reduce ageing process because it increases the growth of collagen and helps develop skin health. This improvement can be seen within 3 months if aloe vera gel is used on daily basis.

7. Control blood sugar levels 

Aloe Vera Gel is very effective in healing diabetes because it can increase the production of insulin and help in controlling blood sugar levels. During some experiment aloe vera gel was found effective in case of type 2 diabetes. This experiment was conducted on many animals and humans which gave an alternative way to treat diabetes.

Apart from these medicinal benefits aloe vera juice can help reduce and control weight. It is widely used by people who want to reduce their weight. To know more you can consult a doctor.

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Do you know about Aloe Vera? was published on and last updated on 09 Nov 2017.