This is final drawing of Burrowing Owl. I saw this owl today on bing search engine. I made this drawing using ball pen.
The burrowing owl can be seen everywhere in open landscapes in North and South America. They are not like other owls. They make their nest and live there. They mostly choose a living place like tunnels left by ground squirrels or prairie dogs. Until now, I knew that owl generally becomes active in night. But first time I came to know about burrowing owls that are found active in daytime. They like to live in low vegetation area including grasslands and deserts. Burrowing owl get back to their burrow, when they feel and threat. However, they know how to protect themselves from a predator. They can imitate different types of sounds like rattling and hissing, sounds of a rattlesnake, to scare predators.
Here are the steps
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
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