I saw these roses in a small garden located in front of a club. However, I have seen it in several home premises too. People like to cultivate it as ornamental plants in their garden. It is mainly grown in temperate climate. I have seen roses of different colors like pink, red, and yellow. In addition to that, it is also grown in orange and white colors. Not only that, it is cultivated in many different colors that are created by combining the above colors. Breeders are not able to cultivate blue roses due to shortage of blue pigment.
I couldn't enter in the garden because it was very small. So I took the images from outside the garden by zooming the camera. My mobile doesn't have optical zoom features. I took it using digital zoom.
Roses are used not only as ornamental plants, but also in making perfume. You are surely familiar with rose water. It is used for several purposes such as cooking, medicine, and religious.
According to healthline, rose water is used to treat several eye conditions that include Conjunctivitis, Conjunctival xerosis, Acute dacryocystitis, Pinguecula and pterygium, and Cataracts. I have suffered from conjunctivitis several times and used rose water to heal the condition. Rose water can be found in medicine store.
I like to have rose plant, but unfortunately, I don’t have sufficient space to cultivate it in my home premises.
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