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How do Nutrition & Yoga improve your overall health?

Both Nutrition & Yoga can change your lifestyle, if they go hand in hand. Intake of hygienic food can improve your digestive organs, and boost immunity and energy levels that you really need to grow your overall wellness. 

However, yoga can also help you improve these things if they are not working properly.

Now we will know how your health gets improved when you take good nutrition along with practicing yoga:

1. Improve Digestive System – If your digestive system is not working properly, your body will not grow. It can be possible, if you take the food items that don’t cause acidity and gas. Such foods must be avoided. So you must know what types of food are good for your health. You should always opt for fiber rich vegetables that help improve bowel movement. Citrus fruits are helpful to improve digestive process and keep you away from constipatio. Until you flush out all the excretion products, you can’t feel healthy. However, there are several other foods like yogurt, bananas and garlic that not only help you cleanse your bowels, but also increase the numbers of gut bacteria to make your stomach clean and healthy. These foods are known as probiotics. Cumin, ginger and oatmeal should also be included in your daily diet to prevent the formation of gas. Otherwise, it can have several ill effects on your health. Try some yogic asanas like Apanasana and Paschimottanasana to boost the performance of your digestive system.

2. Immunity or resistance power - You should always take right food to boost your immune system that actually helps you fight several diseases. Take Vitamin C rich foods, if you want to strengthen immunity. Citrus fruits are good source of Vitamin C. Besides, you must include protein rich foods and herbs to nourish your immunity and prevent several diseases. Herbs like ginger, turmeric and garlic are rich in antioxidants that are capable to prevent several types of cancer, a life threatening disease. Unfortunately, my father has passed away due to cancer. However, you can try yogic asanas like Viparita Karani, Bhujangasana, Matsyasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana to boost the flow of rich oxygenated blood to all over the body so that your immune system gets improved.

3. Boost Energy levels - Make a list that includes the name of foods that really provides you glucose to convert into energy. Iron rich foods like soy and green vegetables are necessary to have enough glucose in your body. So you can’t exclude them from your daily diet. I used to eat green vegetables occasionally, but now I take it on a daily basis. In fruit items, you can include several fruits though, bananas, oranges and apple support the growth of energy in your body. Now you must know how asanas can help you increase your energy levels. Some yogic asanas can be practiced to improve the heart’s capacity so that it can boost the blood flow all over the body. Have you ever tried camel pose yoga, tree pose, and warrior asana? I also don’t know how to try them but expert say that these poses can help improve energy levels in the body.

4. Getting Relaxed - I don’t know how a cup of green tea make you feel relaxed, because I have never ever taken it. But it is said that sipping green tea can help you relax at the end of the day. Other than tea, you can take honey, celery, milk, oatmeal, and dark chocolate to calm your stress level. Pranayama is one of the popular yoga breathing techniques that help you reduce tension. This breathing technique is really useful for asthmatic patients. Several patients are feeling better by practicing pranayama. You can also try other asanas like Viparita Karani, Supta Baddha Konasana and the Supta Matsyendrasana to boost energy levels in your body.

This information is only for educational purpose. You must consult an expert to acquire knowledge about hygienic nutrition and yoga techniques to improve overall wellness.  


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How do Nutrition & Yoga improve your overall health? was published on and last updated on 04 Aug 2019.