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How lockdown effected human life and Industries

This is Max shopping center for cloths only. It is not very far from my home. If I took auto, I will reach there within 10 minutes. Customers used to visit the center whole day. Unfortunately, it is closed since the lockdown imposed.

Transport is also shut down. You can see buses are kept aside and doors are closed. Only private vehicles are running on the road for essential needs. After 17th May, public transport may resume but it is yet to decide.

This is metro station. It is also closed since 22nd March, 2020. I don't know when it will start again. Nowadays, metro rail is prime transport in Kolkata. People feel comfortable in traveling by metro train.

People are not allowed to wander on the road. However, they can go to market to buy essential goods. After 6 pm., all shops are closed except medicine shop.

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How lockdown effected human life and Industries was published on and last updated on 16 May 2020.