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How useful is banana for you?

Banana is one of my favorite fruits but I consume it occasionally due to some health issues. However, two days ago I consumed a large banana even knowing that it can trigger my health problem. Actually, I couldn’t stop myself from consuming the banana when I saw a man selling it on his vehicle. I have shared the photographs of the bananas that I have eaten two days ago. In my opinion, these were large bananas.

Banana is also offered to Indian god and goddess. It is used in all Indian festivals. In the first paragraph, I mentioned that eating banana can trigger some health problems. Yes, it may be possible in some cases. Doctors generally suggests asthmatic patients not to eat banana. Otherwise, banana is delicious and loaded with vitamins, manganese and dietary fibre.

According to this article, dietary fibre prevents constipation and make stool bulky and soft so that it can move out easily from your intestines. In addition, it makes your gut healthy by killing harmful bacteria. You can get some part of daily dietary fibre by consuming a ripened banana. I think banana is easily available all over the world. So, you can consume it to prevent constipation, if you are facing the same.

Banana can help you control the level of fat and cholesterol in your body. That means a heart patient and a fatty person can also eat banana to get energy. It becomes possible due to three natural sugars called sucrose, fructose, and glucose that are found in banana. That's why, athletes and children are advised to take banana in breakfast, or as a midday snack. I have heard that some Indian government schools have added bread, banana, and egg to the midday meal for their students. When I was in school, I used to get bread as a midday meal. However, I don’t remember whether I was ever served banana by my school.

Banana is loaded with high potassium, while the amount of sodium is low in it. This combination is capable to control high blood pressure. My mother is paralyzed. It happened due to high blood pressure. Now she can’t eat raw salt because it has high amount of sodium. Sodium can increase blood pressure which is also not good for normal people. So high blood pressure patients can also consume banana.

The presence of vitamin B6 and vitamin C increases the importance of banana. Common people know that eating banana is beneficial for their health. But they don’t know what kind of health benefits they get by eating it. I also came to know about these benefits, when I read the article linked in third paragraph.

How vitamin B6 makes your body healthy

  • produce red blood cells,
  • metabolise carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy,
  • metabolise amino acids,
  • remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys, and
  • maintain a healthy nervous system.
How vitamin C is useful for you
  • protect your body against cell and tissue damage,
  • your body absorb iron better,
  • your body produce collagen - the protein which holds your skin, bones and body together, and
  • support brain health by producing serotonin, a hormone that affects our sleep cycle, moods, and experiences of stress a nd pain.
What manganese does for your body
  • Helps in making collagen,
  • Prevent your skin and other cells from free radical damage

The above points are taken from here

Photos taken by Nokia 5

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How useful is banana for you? was published on and last updated on 21 Jun 2020.