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Image of the South Pole of Mars

Explanation: What lies beneath the layered south pole of Mars? A recent measurement with ground-penetrating radar from ESA's Mars Express satellite has detected a bright reflection layer consistent with an underground lake of salty water. The reflection comes from about 1.5 kilometers down and covers an area 20 kilometers across. Liquid water evaporates quickly from the surface of Mars, but a briny confined lake, such as implied by the radar reflection, could last much longer and be a candidate to host life such as microbes. Pictured, an infrared, green, and blue image of the south pole of Mars taken by Mars Express in 2012 shows a complex mixture of layers of dirt, frozen carbon dioxide, and frozen water.

This is amazing picture of the South Pole of Mars captured by Mars Express in 2012. It shows layers made of dirt, frozen carbon dioxide and ice. There is an underground lake with salty water discovered by ESA’s Mars Express Satellite. The existence of microbes could be possible in the water. However it is impossible to say anything until we land on Mars..

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Image of the South Pole of Mars was published on and last updated on 08 Aug 2018.