Our body needs various things to function properly and Vitamin is one of them that ensures proper functioning of our body organs. Lack of Vitamins can cause several health issues and illnesses in your body. However there are various Vitamins in our body, Vitamin B is very essential to improve brain efficiency.
Vitamin B has several subtypes that are jointly called B-Complex Vitamins. These vitamins not only remove stress, but also help you enhance your energy levels. Today’s life is full of stress and depression that causes shorter life. Sufficient intake of vitamins can help you fight depression and improve your brain efficiency.
The following benefits you receive from B vitamins to keep your brain healthy:
1. Prevention of mental decline
B6, B12 and B9 (Folic Acid) are the three subtypes of Vitamin B that prevent mental decline. Besides, these three subtypes of Vitamins B reduce the risk of dementia (a chronic disorder of the mental processes) and Alzheimer’s disease (memory loss).
2. Increases dopamine levels
Dopamine is an organic chemical secreted by neurons. It acts as a neurotransmitter to deliver signals to other nerve cells. It also enhances human’s productivity and motivational component including their focus. Vitamin B enhances dopamine levels to improve your brain health.
3. Prevents mental disorders
There is another subtype of vitamin B called Vitamin B12 that prevents brain atrophy, dementia, brain shrinkage, depression and schizophrenia. If you want to save yourself from these mental disorders, you need to eat vitamin B rich diet or supplements.
4. Sharpen memory
People suffering with a short-term memory problems can take various forms of Vitamin B supplements to recover their memory power.
Source: https://www.lybrate.com/topic/vitamin-b-the-most-important-vitamin-for-brain-function-improvement/6a7c77fe07fa23bd59f48e58a8174bd3