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Moon Setting Behind Teide Volcano - how amazing the video is

Credit: Daniel López / IAC

Explanation: These people are not in danger. What is coming down from the left is just the Moon, far in the distance. Luna appears so large here because she is being photographed through a telescopic lens. What is moving is mostly the Earth, whose spin causes the Moon to slowly disappear behind Mount Teide, a volcano in the Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa. The people pictured are 16 kilometers away and many are facing the camera because they are watching the Sun rise behind the photographer. It is not a coincidence that a full moon rises just when the Sun sets because the Sun is always on the opposite side of the sky from a full moon. The featured video was made last week during the full Milk Moon. The video is not time-lapse -- this was really how fast the Moon was setting.

This amazing video captured a natural phenomenon known as moon setting. It seems that the moon is very near the earth and very big in size, but this is not true. The moon is far away from the earth. It is looking big in size due to a telescopic lens which is used to take video of moon setting.


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Moon Setting Behind Teide Volcano - how amazing the video is was published on and last updated on 04 Jun 2018.