My mobile stopped functioning three months ago. The battery of my mobile was completely damaged. So I was not able to take photographs at all. I tried to repair my android at the mobile service center but I didn’t have enough funds at that time. So I left the handset as it was. Two weeks ago, I managed the required funds and gave my mobile to the service center for repairs. It is now functioning well.

I used to avoid going to vegetable markets before. Now I go to the market two or three times a week. In my opinion, buying fresh vegetables is not an easy task. For me, it was a headache. Now-a-days vegetable sellers visit door to door and sell their green vegetables. People need not to go to the market. In this way, sellers earn more income and buyers save their precious time. Some vegetable sellers sit near the metro station because the chances of selling green vegetables is higher there. Most people purchase green vegetables when they get off the metro train.

We would travel by bus when there was no metro train in our city. Now we mostly travel by metro train. We reach our destination very fast. Metro trains also help you avoid big traffic. Now-a-day all metro trains are air-conditioned. So it is comfortable to travel in summer too

I like natural flower gardens. Unfortunately my home doesn't have enough vacant space. Otherwise I will grow some flower plants in my home. Flowers of different colors increase the beauty of your home. They are also used to offer to god in India and decorate the groom’s car.

It takes around twenty five minutes to reach the bus stand from my home, if you walk on foot. I would go to school on foot, When I was kid. Now you can take auto rickshaw or cycle rickshaw,

Passengers would often spend their spare time at metro stations when covid was not in the city. I was one of them. Now people can't spend time at the metro station ever since covid has spread. Recently the government imposed new covid restrictions on the city to control Omicron.

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