Sanctions Showdown Looms for US and Cryptocurrency
With governments around the globe cracking down on all aspects of the cryptocurrency market, it seems like new regulatory risks arise every day. Add U.S. sanctions to that list.
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Other Crypto News
Traditional Markets Nosedive, Following Bitcoin’s Own Slump Below $7k
earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped to its lowest point since 2011 on Feb. 5. The article has been updated to reflect the correct information.
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Bitcoin news: Will Bitcoin go back up? Cryptocurrency CRASHING amid Lloyds and China ban
BITCOIN saw a dramatic crash in prices last week as the value plummeted to an overnight low of around $8,000 today as Lloyd’s bank announced a ban on buying NTC with credit cards.
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FUD Storm Continues as China Steps Up Pressure Against Cryptocurrencies
It’s been a rough month for Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market. The price of the dominant cryptocurrency has dropped below $8,000, and many altcoins have suffered even more significant losses, following a seemingly endless flood of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) from mainstream media outlets.
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Coinbase Plans SegWit Release ‘In A Few Weeks’
Coinbase has stated its commitment to introduce SegWit compatibility in “a few weeks,” fulfilling a promise made to customers in late 2017.
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