In early morning on 31st January, people could see a full moon that will appear a little bit bigger than normal and its brightness will rise by 14 percent. In this condition, moon is found orbiting very close to Earth, called perigee. On the time of perigee, the distance between earth and the moon will be 223,068 miles. Perigee is going to happen on Tuesday while the full moon, also known as a supermoon, will occur on Wednesday, 31st January, 2018. On the interval of every 14 months, you can be able to see supermoons. Two supermoons have already occurred on Dec. 3, 2017 and Jan. 1, 2018. This is third supermoon that will rise on 31st January, 2018.
It will be known as a blue supermoon because this is happening second time in the same month. The blue moon doesn’t mean that its color will appear blue. The Earth’s shadow will cover the moon completely in some areas which will be known as a total lunar eclipse. In this condition, the color of moon will look like a red-copper or “bloody”. That’s why it is called a blood moon.
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This supermoon or lunar eclipse could be seen clearly and completely from the Western states, Alaska and Hawaii. But people residing in the eastern part of United States, including Washington, will not be able to enjoy full moon.
Skygazers at East Coast will see the smooth and continuous movement of moon passing through the Earth’s penumbral shadow at 6:15 a.m. Then the moon will become dark and start moving through the umbral shadow at 6:48 a.m. The moon will later appear a whisker above western skyline at 7:15 a.m.
“For hours previous to the entrance of the moon into the earth’s dark shadow, not a cloud covered the face of the sky; and Luna was beheld pouring her mild radiance on field and town, path and moor,” wrote Brown, a weaver by trade and insatiable scholar, in the Intellectual Observer, a scientific magazine.
“When the entire disc, at forty-four minutes past three, had passed into the shadow, the eclipsed moon became distinctly visible, showing a gradation of tints from blue to green on the outside, to a gradually increasing red, which further on changed to a color resembling that of incandescent iron when at a dull-red heat,” he wrote.
The next super blue blood moon could occur in Jan. 31st, 2037 after 19 years. Chester said
“This one actually occurs closer to perigee than the one coming up”.That time perigee will occur on 1st Feb. 2037 and the distance between Earth and the moon will be 222,199 miles.