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The image of Horsehead Nebula released by NASA

Image credit Horsehead Nebula

The image of the Horsehead Nebula was caught by Hubble which NASA published in April, 2013.

Everyone knows Galileo. He was a famous math professor at Padua University. He came to know about an amazing invention during his service period there.

There was an optician named Hans Lipperhey in Netherlands. In 1608, He made a device which was capable to catch the visual of the distant object. The device is known as telescope. Today, this device is used by astronomers or scientists to see the distant object floating in space. 

Galileo was impressed with the features of telescope. Later, he brought some changes in telescope which could be able to magnify the image up to 21 times the original size of object.  Later, it was presented to a lawmakers group in Venice. They found it amazing when they saw the sky through that telescope.

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The image of Horsehead Nebula released by NASA was published on and last updated on 13 Oct 2017.