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The physical and mental effect of Internet Addiction

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Benefits of using internet

Internet has already become so popular all over the world. It is a technology which not only connects people globally, but also help you do various work online. Now-a-days internet provides chat option where you can chat with your friends or family and several social media platforms which also help people interact with each other. Various shopping sites are also available online which make you enable to order any product which you want to purchase and the same product will be sent to your given address. There are many things to do online that engage your whole day. So we can see there are several benefits of using internet in your life. 

Disadvantages of using internet

In the above context, we discussed only good part of using internet. But there is also some bad part of using internet. This bad thing is known as Internet Addiction Disorder which also called Problematic Internet use. It means if you use internet enormously, it affects your daily routine life. Sitting whole day at computer and surfing internet makes you internet addicted. 

In a recent research it is found that internet users waste large amount of time in surfing internet which includes chatting, social media interaction, watching porn and involving in bad and good things that are ultimately affecting their healthy life quality. In most cases, it is seen that people become upset or get disturbed and face withdrawal symptoms, if they can’t access their computer or mobile phones. Withdrawal symptoms occur when someone is barred to use the things he was addicted. These withdrawal symptoms include obsessive thoughts, trembling and fingers movement like typing which occur automatic.

Two different types of reactions can be seen in people who are addicted to internet – physical and mental. Physical disorders include several issues such as neck pain which generally occurs due to cervical spondylitis, Back side pain, Sciatica pain – severe pain in hip and outer part of leg and Carpel tunnel syndrome – in which one feels severe pain in hand and fingers due to nerve stress.

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Mental disturbance due to Internet Addiction Disorder

Research is still going on to probe whether the brain is getting affected psychologically and physically by using excessive internet. But the studies that are done till now proves that the excessive use of internet increases the stress level which ultimately affects the nerve of the brain. The damage that happens in the brains of drug users is also found in the brain of internet users. Now you can understand how much internet can harm your brain.  

There is nerve fibers in the brain called white matter which is generally associated with important parts of the brain that mainly handle decision making process, emotions, and self-control. It is found in the result of brain scans that internet addiction plays a vital role in damaging white matter nerve fibers and brain’s gray which ultimately cause abnormal brain function. White matter fibers start functioning abnormally when myelin gets affected. Myelin is a kind of fatty insulating sheath which helps white matter nerve fibers function properly by covering them. 

Possible mental disorders can happen caused by Internet Addiction Disorders

  1. IAD may cause depression, anxiety and mental disorders
  2. It can make you feel alone
  3. It may disturb your social support and communication
  4. Involvement in alcohol, sex, drugs or gambling
  5. Your social activity may get disturbed
  6. Experiencing extreme stress

IAD problem can be removed with the help of a counselor. You can try to control this problem by yourself, but it is not possible for everyone to handle this matter and requires an expert help. There are some therapies called Behavioural that can help you eliminate the root cause of Internet Addiction Disorders.

Please consult an expert to clear your queries.

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The physical and mental effect of Internet Addiction was published on and last updated on 17 Dec 2017.