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Vitamin E – Don’t forget to read this article

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There are several types of vitamins and each has different role in your body. Vitamin E is one of them which consists of 8 compounds, but your body needs only one compound and remaining compounds are eliminated from your body. This compound is called alpha-tocopherol which helps in antioxidation process in your body. This process is very useful in prevent cell damage.

You must know three things about Vitamin E – benefits, functions, and sources.

  1. Vitamin E has 8 compounds that are absorbed by the intestine when the food travels through it. Those compounds are sent to liver, from where only alpha-tocopherol is allowed into the body and rest of the compounds are excreted from the system as these are useless for the body. 
  2. Being an antioxidant, vitamin E halts the release of free radicals into your body. These free radicals generally damage your body cells and causes inflammation. There are various diseases that happen due to oxidation process such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke. Even though oxidation process occurs inside the body, some environmental factors like smoking, UV rays and pollution also enhance this process.  
  3. If your blood vessels become narrow, the movement of platelet may be stopped. Vitamin E helps in prevent platelet clogging by enlarging blood vessels. 
  4. Vitamin E can be a good supplement to prevent or treat diabetes or complications that occur owing to diabetes. 
  5. Vitamin E is also useful to improve the condition of some nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. 
  6. Vitamin E helps women in getting relief from premenstrual cramps, painful periods including eclampsia that occurs during pregnancy. It is also helpful in case of breast cancer. 
  7. It not only prevents muscle damage, but also improves tolerance level, energy level and muscle power. 
  8. Owing to its antioxidant effect, vitamin E is widely included in the manufacturing of skin care products. It is capable to restore new skin and tissue. 
  9. Now-a-days hair loss is a growing problem, which may occur owing to several reasons such as chemotherapy or drugs which cause side effect in your body. Vitamin E is capable to prevent hair loss. It can also help in treating chronic diseases such as asthma, skin allergies, and respiratory infections.
  10. If your diet has enough vitamin E, you will not suffer from eye diseases like cataract and macular degeneration. As you become older, the risk of these diseases increases. Vitamin E can prevent or control these eye related diseases. 

Sources of Vitamin E

Natural foods are good source of vitamin E. If you include the following things in your diet, your body will get sufficient amount of vitamin E. You can increase the amount of vitamin E in your body by consuming the following food items - Green vegetables, Legumes, Vegetable oils, Fortified cereals, Whole grains, Different types of fruits, Nuts and seeds, Meat, Poultry and eggs, Seafood and Fat-free dairy products.

These foods are very useful for premature babies and the people who are suffering with some genetic disorders. To know more about the benefits of vitamin E, you must consult an expert.


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Vitamin E – Don’t forget to read this article was published on and last updated on 04 Aug 2018.