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What does fiber actually do?

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If you are suffering from irregular bowel movement, doctor will definitely suggest you to include fiber in your daily diet. But why should you take fiber with your daily meal? Dietary fiber is capable to make your bowel movement regular. In addition, it can improve your digestive system, immune system and overall your body system. Vegetables, fruits, whole grain and legumes are good source of fiber. But dietary fiber should be taken on a daily basis to keep you healthy.

We know that our digestive system has millions of good bacteria that help digest food, improve body immunity and prevent bad bacteria to attack on your gut. When numbers of bad bacteria increase in your gut, your whole digestive system gets disturbed and stops working properly, leading to irregular bowel movement. In this condition, prebiotic fiber should be taken to feed the good bacteria so that it can become empowered again and prevent the impact of bad bacteria on your digestive system. 

Your body can’t digest some types of dietary fibers that are found in plant foods. It remains in your digestive system to make smooth bowel movement. There are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble. These are naturally sourced from edible plants, fruits, grains and vegetables. Being dissolved in water, soluble fiber changes into a gelatinous type which decreases digestive process so that essential nutrients from food could be easily absorbed by your body. Insoluble fiber remains in your intestine and create bulky stool. In addition, it also supports food to travel easily through the digestive system without any obstruction so that your bowel movement could be regular.


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What does fiber actually do? was published on and last updated on 24 Jul 2018.