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What is the function of albumin in human body?

Image credit Molecular structure of Human serum albumin (HSA)

There are numerous proteins found in our blood in which albumin is most popular protein produced by liver. Decreasing albumin levels in your body can show numerous symptoms. However you need to have a blood test to know the exact reason. If the symptoms are caused by decreasing level of albumin in your body, the proper treatments can be suggested by your doctor to bring albumin levels within normal range.

Production of Albumin

Albumin is produced in liver as I already mentioned in first paragraph. Liver creates albumin by breaking down all types of proteins filtered from blood plasma and then send them into blood to flow throughout the body. The normal range of albumin in our blood is 3.4 g/dL to 5.4 g/dL.

Functions of Albumin in human body

a) Balancing fluids in the body

The main function of albumin is to balance fluid in human body. Human body cells draw or discharge fluids according to their requirement. But it is not possible until albumin produces a concentration gradient in body cells. Being similar to balloon, human body cells can also explode if they are filled with excessive fluids. Albumin deficiency can cause inflammation because the body cells start releasing fluids that can enter into the body tissues. 

b) Acts as a transport vessel

Apart from controlling fluid balance in the body cells, albumin also helps move several necessary things to whole body tissues. Those things are calcium, progesterone, medicines and bilirubin.  Liver produces bilirubin, a yellow pigment that prevents jaundice, weight loss and fatigue. 

Health problems by Albumin

a) Albumin deficiency 

Whereas albumin maintains fluid balance and acts as a transport vessel, its deficiency can also create several health issues in your body. If your diet has low amount of protein, your body tissue may get inflamed. However protein deficiency can be caused by several other reasons such as liver disease and kidney disease. We know albumin is produced in liver and if liver is sick then definitely the production of protein like albumin will be lowered. Not only that the body’s capacity to produce proteins are also spoiled. Kidney disease is another reason to lower albumin in your body. If your kidney is damaged or functioning poorly, it can discharge albumin from your body, resulting to albumin deficiency. 

b) Excessive albumin in your body

Intake of some medicines such as androgen hormones, anabolic steroids, growth hormones or insulin can increase albumin levels in your blood. In case of excessive albumin in your blood, your body cells start drawing more water from your body and cause dehydration. Dehydration is the result of absorption of more water by your body cells to maintain albumin balance in your body. 


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What is the function of albumin in human body? was published on and last updated on 10 Jun 2018.